2011 BMW 335d EGR Delete Kit: Increase Performance and Efficiency

2011 bmw 335d egr delete kit

Are you looking to maximize the performance of your BMW 335d? Look no further than a 2011 EGR delete kit. The EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) system in your diesel engine can significantly impact its overall performance. By removing or disabling this system, you can unleash the true potential of your BMW 335d.

The EGR system is designed to reduce emissions by recirculating a portion of the exhaust gases back into the intake manifold. While this may be beneficial for the environment, it can have negative effects on your engine’s performance. The recirculated exhaust gases can lead to the buildup of carbon deposits, reduced power, and increased fuel consumption.

With a 2011 EGR delete kit, you can eliminate these issues and experience a noticeable improvement in performance. By removing the EGR system, you allow for cleaner and more efficient combustion, resulting in increased horsepower and torque. Your BMW 335d will feel more responsive, with improved throttle response and acceleration.

Not only will a 2011 EGR delete kit enhance your BMW 335d’s performance, but it can also prolong the lifespan of your engine. By eliminating the recirculation of exhaust gases, you reduce the likelihood of carbon deposits forming in your engine, leading to cleaner internals and improved longevity.

Don’t settle for mediocre performance – optimize your BMW 335d with a 2011 EGR delete kit. Unlock the full potential of your diesel engine and enjoy a driving experience like never before. Experience increased power, improved fuel efficiency, and extended engine life with a simple and straightforward upgrade. Upgrade your BMW 335d today and feel the difference!

Improve Your BMW 335d Performance

The BMW 335d is a powerful and capable vehicle, but with a few modifications, you can take its performance to the next level. By investing in an EGR delete kit for your 2011 BMW 335d, you can optimize its performance and unleash its true potential.

Why Choose an EGR Delete Kit?

The EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) system is designed to reduce emissions by recirculating a portion of the vehicle’s exhaust gases back into the combustion process. While it may be beneficial for the environment, it can have a negative impact on your car’s performance. By eliminating the EGR system with a delete kit, you can reduce restrictions in the intake manifold and improve airflow, leading to increased power and torque.

Benefits of an EGR Delete Kit

Installing an EGR delete kit on your BMW 335d can offer several benefits:

1 Increased Horsepower and Torque By removing the EGR system, you can optimize the air and fuel mixture, resulting in increased horsepower and torque. This means faster acceleration and improved overall performance.
2 Better Fuel Efficiency With improved airflow and combustion efficiency, your BMW 335d can achieve better fuel efficiency. This can save you money at the pump and reduce your carbon footprint.
3 Reduced Maintenance By eliminating the EGR system, you can reduce the likelihood of carbon buildup in the intake manifold and valves. This can result in fewer maintenance issues and potentially extend the lifespan of your engine.
4 Enhanced Throttle Response With improved airflow, your BMW 335d will have enhanced throttle response. This means a quicker, more responsive driving experience.

Overall, investing in an EGR delete kit for your 2011 BMW 335d can significantly improve its performance and driving experience. With increased horsepower, torque, fuel efficiency, and throttle response, you’ll feel the difference every time you get behind the wheel.

Boost Power and Efficiency with EGR Delete Kit

When it comes to getting the most out of your BMW 335d, an EGR (exhaust gas recirculation) delete kit can significantly boost both power and efficiency. The EGR system, while designed to reduce emissions, can actually hinder your vehicle’s performance in several ways.

Increased Power

By removing the EGR system and installing a delete kit, you can increase the power output of your BMW 335d. The EGR system recirculates exhaust gases back into the intake manifold, which can lead to reduced oxygen levels and decreased combustion efficiency. With an EGR delete kit, the intake manifold is free from these recirculated gases, allowing for a higher volume of fresh air and fuel to enter the cylinders. This results in more complete combustion and increased power output.

Improved Efficiency

In addition to increased power, an EGR delete kit can also improve the efficiency of your BMW 335d. The recirculated exhaust gases from the EGR system can introduce carbon deposits and contaminants into the intake manifold and valves, leading to reduced efficiency over time. With the EGR system removed, these deposits are no longer an issue, resulting in cleaner intake components and improved fuel combustion. This can lead to better fuel economy, allowing you to go further on each tank of fuel.

Benefits of EGR Delete Kit:
Increased power output
Improved fuel efficiency
Prevents carbon buildup
Reduced risk of engine damage
Enhanced throttle response
Extended engine life

Overall, installing an EGR delete kit on your BMW 335d can provide a range of benefits, from increased power and improved efficiency to a reduced risk of engine damage and extended engine life. If you’re looking to optimize your vehicle’s performance, consider investing in an EGR delete kit today.

Enhance Engine Performance

The BMW 335d is a powerful car, but there is always room for improvement when it comes to engine performance. One way to enhance the performance of your BMW is by installing a 2011 EGR Delete Kit. This kit allows you to remove the Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system, which can restrict airflow and cause a decrease in power output.

By removing the EGR system, you are eliminating a potential bottleneck in the engine’s air intake and exhaust system, allowing for increased airflow and improved engine performance. This can translate into a noticeable increase in horsepower and torque, as well as a smoother and more responsive throttle response.

In addition to improving engine performance, the 2011 EGR Delete Kit can also help to increase fuel efficiency. The EGR system can introduce exhaust gases back into the combustion chamber, which can result in decreased fuel efficiency. By removing this system, you can optimize fuel combustion and potentially see improved gas mileage.

Benefits of the 2011 EGR Delete Kit

Benefits of the 2011 EGR Delete Kit

– Increased airflow for improved engine performance

– Noticeable increase in horsepower and torque

– Smoother and more responsive throttle response

– Potential increase in fuel efficiency

Installation and Maintenance

Installing a 2011 EGR Delete Kit on your BMW 335d is a straightforward process that can be done with basic tools and mechanical knowledge. However, it is recommended to consult the manufacturer’s instructions or seek professional assistance for installation to ensure proper fitment and avoid any damage to the engine.

Once installed, it is important to regularly inspect and clean the EGR valve and intake system to prevent any buildup or blockage that may affect engine performance. This can be done during regular maintenance intervals or as needed, depending on driving conditions and mileage.

In conclusion, enhancing the engine performance of your BMW 335d is possible with the installation of a 2011 EGR Delete Kit. By eliminating the EGR system, you can improve airflow, increase horsepower and torque, and potentially increase fuel efficiency. However, it is important to follow proper installation and maintenance procedures to ensure optimal performance and avoid any potential issues.

Minimize Carbon Build-Up

One of the benefits of installing a 2011 EGR Delete Kit on your BMW 335d is minimizing carbon build-up. Over time, carbon deposits can accumulate in the engine, particularly in the intake manifold and EGR cooler. This buildup can restrict airflow and decrease engine performance.

By deleting the EGR system, you can greatly reduce the amount of carbon that builds up in your engine. Without the EGR system, exhaust gases no longer recirculate back into the intake manifold and cooler, preventing carbon from being deposited in these areas.

Minimizing carbon build-up not only helps improve engine performance, but it also reduces maintenance and repair costs in the long run. Carbon deposits can lead to issues such as reduced fuel economy, decreased power, and increased emissions. By eliminating the source of carbon build-up, you can keep your BMW 335d running smoothly for years to come.

  • Improved engine performance
  • Reduced carbon deposits in intake manifold and EGR cooler
  • Prevents airflow restriction
  • Lower maintenance and repair costs
  • Improved fuel economy
  • Increased power
  • Reduced emissions

Overall, minimizing carbon build-up is a crucial aspect of optimizing your BMW 335d’s performance. Installing a 2011 EGR Delete Kit is an effective solution that can help you achieve this goal.

Reduce Fuel Consumption

One of the main benefits of installing a 2011 EGR Delete Kit on your BMW 335d is the potential to significantly reduce fuel consumption. The EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) system is designed to redirect a portion of the exhaust gases back into the engine for combustion.

While this process can help reduce emissions, it can also negatively impact fuel efficiency. By removing the EGR system with a delete kit, you can improve the overall efficiency of your vehicle and decrease the amount of fuel needed for operation.

With the EGR delete kit installed, your BMW 335d will no longer have to rely on recirculated exhaust gases, allowing for a cleaner and more efficient combustion process. This can result in improved fuel economy and potentially save you money at the pump.

Additionally, removing the EGR system can also help prevent carbon buildup in the intake manifold and valves. This can further optimize engine performance and contribute to better fuel efficiency.

Overall, investing in a 2011 EGR Delete Kit for your BMW 335d can not only enhance the performance of your vehicle but also help reduce fuel consumption. With improved fuel economy, you can enjoy a more efficient and cost-effective driving experience.

Extend Engine Lifespan

Regular maintenance and care can significantly extend the lifespan of your BMW 335d engine. By properly maintaining and servicing your vehicle, you can ensure that it continues to perform at its best for years to come.

One key aspect of engine longevity is keeping the engine clean and free from carbon buildup. The carbon deposits from the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system can accumulate over time and affect the engine’s performance. Installing a 2011 EGR Delete Kit can help remove these deposits and prevent further buildup, thus extending the engine’s lifespan.

Another important factor in engine lifespan is using high-quality engine oil and changing it regularly. Oil lubricates the engine components and helps reduce friction and wear. By following the manufacturer’s recommendations for oil change intervals and using the recommended oil type, you can ensure that your engine stays properly lubricated and protected.

Additionally, avoiding aggressive driving habits can also contribute to a longer engine lifespan. Hard acceleration, high speeds, and frequent rapid braking can put unnecessary stress on the engine and its components. By driving responsibly and maintaining a consistent speed, you can reduce wear and tear on the engine, helping it last longer.

Lastly, routine inspections and addressing any potential issues promptly can help prevent small problems from turning into major engine damage. Regularly checking the engine for leaks, unusual noises, or changes in performance can help identify and resolve problems before they cause severe damage to the engine.

In conclusion, taking care of your BMW 335d engine by using a 2011 EGR Delete Kit, using high-quality oil, driving responsibly, and performing regular inspections can all contribute to extending the engine’s lifespan and ensuring optimal performance for years to come.

Improve Overall Driving Experience

Enhancing the performance of your BMW 335d is not just about increasing horsepower and torque. It’s also about improving the overall driving experience. When you install a 2011 EGR Delete Kit, you can expect a variety of benefits that will make driving your BMW even more enjoyable.

Increased Power and Torque

By removing the EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) system, the 2011 EGR Delete Kit allows for better airflow and reduced intake restrictions. This results in increased power and torque, providing a more thrilling and responsive driving experience. You’ll feel a noticeable difference in acceleration and overall performance.

Improved Fuel Efficiency

With the 2011 EGR Delete Kit, your BMW 335d will experience improved fuel efficiency. By eliminating the recirculation of exhaust gases, your engine can operate more efficiently and effectively, leading to better fuel consumption. Not only will you save money at the pump, but you’ll also enjoy longer drives without having to refuel as frequently.

Additionally, the removal of carbon buildup and soot caused by the EGR system can help improve fuel economy even further. Without these deposits clogging up your engine, it can run cleaner and more efficiently, allowing for better fuel mileage.

Overall, the 2011 EGR Delete Kit can significantly enhance your BMW 335d’s driving experience. With increased power and torque, improved fuel efficiency, and the elimination of carbon buildup, you’ll be able to enjoy a smoother, more responsive, and enjoyable ride every time you get behind the wheel.

Ensure Compliance with Emission Regulations

When it comes to optimizing the performance of your BMW 335d, it’s important to consider emission regulations. The 2011 EGR delete kit is designed to help your vehicle meet emission standards while enhancing performance.

Emission regulations are put in place to reduce harmful pollutants from being released into the environment. These regulations specify the maximum amount of pollutants that vehicles can emit, such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM). Failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines and penalties.

The 2011 EGR delete kit ensures compliance with emission regulations by removing the EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) system from your BMW 335d. The EGR system recirculates a portion of the exhaust gas back into the engine, which can contribute to the buildup of carbon deposits and reduce performance over time.

By removing the EGR system, the 2011 EGR delete kit eliminates the recirculation of exhaust gas, leading to improved engine combustion and overall performance. This helps your BMW 335d meet emission standards without sacrificing power or efficiency.

Benefits of Ensuring Compliance with Emission Regulations

Ensuring compliance with emission regulations offers several benefits:

  1. Environmental Sustainability: By reducing harmful pollutants, you contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment.
  2. Legal Compliance: Avoid fines and penalties by meeting the required emission standards.
  3. Improved Performance: The removal of the EGR system can lead to better engine combustion and increased power output.
  4. Longer Engine Life: Minimizing carbon deposits can help extend the lifespan of your BMW 335d’s engine.


Optimizing your BMW 335d’s performance with a 2011 EGR delete kit is not only about increasing power and efficiency, but also about ensuring compliance with emission regulations. By removing the EGR system, you can improve your vehicle’s performance while reducing harmful pollutants, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable environment.

Easy Installation Process

Installing a 2011 EGR delete kit on your BMW 335d is a simple and straightforward process. With just a few basic tools and some mechanical know-how, you can complete the installation in no time.

1. Gather the necessary tools

Before you begin the installation process, make sure you have all the necessary tools on hand. You will typically need a socket wrench set, screwdrivers, pliers, and a torque wrench. It’s also a good idea to have some rags or towels nearby to clean up any spills or messes.

2. Disconnect the battery

Before you start working on your vehicle, it’s important to disconnect the battery to avoid any electrical mishaps. Locate the battery in the engine compartment and use a wrench to loosen and remove the negative terminal cable.

3. Remove the EGR valve

Locate the EGR valve on your BMW 335d, which is typically located on the intake manifold near the front of the engine. Use the appropriate tools to disconnect the electrical connector and vacuum lines connected to the valve. Then, remove the bolts securing the valve to the manifold and carefully pull it out.

4. Install the EGR delete kit

With the EGR valve removed, it’s time to install the EGR delete kit. Follow the instructions provided with the kit to ensure proper installation. This typically involves installing the delete plates onto the intake manifold and blocking off the EGR cooler and pipes.

5. Reinstall the EGR valve

Once the EGR delete kit is installed, it’s time to reinstall the EGR valve. Use the new bolts included with the kit to secure the valve back onto the manifold. Reconnect the electrical connector and vacuum lines as well.

6. Reconnect the battery

After the EGR valve is securely installed, reconnect the negative terminal cable to the battery. Make sure it is tightened correctly to ensure a good electrical connection.

7. Test the installation

Before you finalize the installation process, it’s important to test the functionality of the EGR delete kit. Start the engine and let it run for a few minutes to check for any abnormal sounds or leaks. If everything appears to be working properly, you can proceed to the next step.

8. Enjoy the benefits

With the 2011 EGR delete kit installed on your BMW 335d, you can now enjoy the benefits of improved performance and efficiency. The EGR delete kit helps to reduce exhaust gas recirculation, which can lead to better throttle response, increased horsepower, and improved fuel economy.

Overall, the installation process for a 2011 EGR delete kit on your BMW 335d is relatively simple. By following these steps and using the provided instructions, you can optimize your vehicle’s performance in no time.


What is an EGR delete kit?

An EGR delete kit is a modification for your BMW 335d that removes the EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) system. The EGR system recirculates a portion of the exhaust gases back into the engine, which can reduce power and fuel efficiency. By removing the EGR system with a delete kit, you can optimize the performance of your BMW 335d.

How does an EGR delete kit improve performance?

An EGR delete kit improves performance by removing the EGR system, which can restrict airflow and cause carbon buildup in the intake manifold. Without the EGR system, the engine can breathe more freely and operate at a cooler temperature, resulting in increased horsepower, torque, and fuel efficiency.

Is it legal to use an EGR delete kit?

The legality of using an EGR delete kit varies by country and region. In some areas, it may be illegal to modify the emissions system of a vehicle. Before installing an EGR delete kit, it is important to check the laws and regulations of your specific location to ensure compliance.

Can I install an EGR delete kit myself?

While it is possible to install an EGR delete kit yourself, it is recommended to have it done by a professional mechanic who is experienced with this type of modification. Proper installation is crucial to ensure that the kit is compatible with your BMW 335d and that all connections are secure.

Will installing an EGR delete kit void my BMW warranty?

Modifying your BMW 335d with an EGR delete kit may void your warranty, as it is considered a non-approved modification by the manufacturer. It is important to consider the potential consequences before making any modifications to your vehicle, including the voiding of warranties.

What is an EGR delete kit?

An EGR delete kit is a set of components that allows you to disable or remove the Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system in your BMW 335d. The EGR system is designed to reduce emissions by recirculating a portion of the exhaust gases back into the intake manifold. However, this can result in increased carbon buildup and reduced performance. By installing an EGR delete kit, you can improve performance by eliminating the EGR system.

How does an EGR delete kit improve performance?

An EGR delete kit improves performance by eliminating the EGR system, which can cause carbon buildup and reduce airflow in the intake manifold. By removing the EGR system, the intake manifold is able to receive a greater volume of fresh, oxygen-rich air, resulting in improved combustion efficiency and increased horsepower and torque. Additionally, the removal of the EGR system can also prevent carbon buildup on the intake valves and reduce the risk of valve failure.

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